martes, 13 de julio de 2010

Ongaku Mode: Holidays in the Sun

Asi es! El dia de hoy salio el nuevo album de YUI! Holidays in the Sun!
Yeah! Today YUI's new album was released: Holidays in the Sun!

La lista de las canciones es:
The tracklist is:
  1. to Mother
  2. again
  3. Parade
  5. Shake My Heart
  7. I do it
  8. Please Stay With Me
  9. Summer Song
  10. Cinnamon
  11. Driving Happy Life
  12. It’s all too much
  13. Kiss me

Cabe aclara que la cancion #7 I do it, YUI la escribio para la banda japonesa stereopony, y en este CD YUI grabo su propia version. Les dejo la version de stereopony que no esta nada mal n.n (PV)  Stereo Pony - I do it
It necessary to let you know that track 7: I do it, was a song written by YUI for the japanese band stereopony. Now in this album YUI recorded her own version of the song n.n I'll leave you the link to stereopony's versino of the song: (PV)   Stereo Pony - I do it

Lo que YUI dijo sobre el lanzamiento del album:
What YUI said about the release of the album:

El nuevo album se ha completado luego de unos 2 años y 3 meses.
The new album has been completed after about two years and three months

Un album luego de tanto tiempo, me siento un poco nerviosa (risas) pero estoy muy segura!
An album after such a long time, I feel a little nervous (laughs) but I’m very confident!

En este intervalo de dos años. Al staff que ha estado apoyandome, cada persona que seguia alentandome
In this two years interval, to the staff that have been supporting me, every person that kept rooting for me

Y mas que nada a todos los fans que han estado esperando por esto, estoy llena de sentimientos de gratitud
And more than anything to all the fans that have been waiting for this, I’m filled with feelings of gratitude

Muchisimas gracias!
Thank you so much!

Mis actuales emociones han sido empacadas en severas composiciones. Estoy segura de mi misma sobre esto.
My current emotions have been packed into several compositions. I am self confident about this.

Seria feliz si mucha gente las escucha. Por favor, estoy confiando en su apoyo.
I’ll be happy if a lot of people listens to them. Please, I’m relying on your support.

Recuerden apoyar a sus artistas y comprar los trabajos originales, deben borrar estas descargas luego de 24horas.
Remember to support your favorite artists and to buy their original works legally, you must erase this downloaded archived in 24 hours.

Pueden visitar: para mas info sobre YUI y noticias de ella!
You can visit for more information about YUI and new about her too!

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